Are they ready to mediate? Assessing student progress in a pilot program
At the end of training with our seventh and eighth graders, we came up with a system to help assess students’ progress on peer mediation skills. Our peer mediation team met and discussed how to evaluate students and their acquired skills, without making the students feel like they were taking an academic test.
Our goal for the created assessment was to have an direct, honest conversation with each student about feelings after the completed training; as well as, noting skills they were confident in or needed more support on.
After meeting up with students on a one-on-one basis, we now have concrete understanding of ways to support students for the fall semester and are able to provide the school’s staff sponsor with information on our students’ learning. On another practical level, the progress report tool gave us data about concepts we rushed through and/or explained well. As a pilot program, this is invaluable knowledge to us for our future work in peer mediation spaces.
We are providing the progress report tool in this blog post as a reference and guide as some of you may be implementing your own peer mediation programming. We hope this will be as useful of a tool for you as it was for us!
You can view the peer mediator progress report template by clicking here or visiting the educator portal section of this website.